Matthew 21:22 And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.
If you don't know our story you need to read how this all started here: From the Beginning.
As you can see we were not planning for this adoption so we weren't financially prepared for the money it cost to complete the process. However, we know that God has a plan and Lucy is meant to be in our family. When we adopted Madison we paid for everything and did no fundraising. Allen felt strongly about asking others to help pay for us to have a child. However, with this adoption God has truly showed us that sometimes you must seek help from others. We weren't prepared for the large fee that we must pay for the orphanage donation or the travel expense that we will have to pay to go to China. So we have started doing some fundraising to help cover our cost.
I did a flip flop fundraiser with my school and a few others in the spring and raised $800. My school did a wonderful BBQ luncheon and raised an amazing $1000! We have had various friends and family send us money and so far have probably raised a little over $2500 in all! This is an awesome amount of money and we are so blessed to have so many generous people around to help us.However, we still have a large amount of money to accomplish our goal. We are currently doing another fundraiser with the same company I did my flip flop fundraiser with in the spring. You can order items online and they will be sent directly to you and we will get credit. Here is the site:
If you purchase any items just make sure you click on A.Dunn adoption at check out.
We are also planning a Pizza Inn fundraiser in July and a possible really cool fundraiser with a talented friend coming soon!
I am sure God intends on us using our story to speak of how faithful He is and how we are blessed immeasurably more than we ever could have imagined! I honestly can't wait to see how He uses us to tell and share our story with others!